WAC is a company that unites professionals specializing in the evaluation of numismatic material.
The main goal of WAC is to create a numismatic database, as well as to develop an independent French system for evaluating the authenticity, safety and variety of coins.
At the same time, priority attention is paid to protecting collectors from counterfeits and increasing the confidence of novice collectors in the numismatic market. The certificate issued by WAC confirms the entry of information about the coin into the information database and serves as an independent certificate of guarantee of authenticity and evaluation of the quality of the coin.
The main principles of WAC are professionalism, objectivity of assessments, expertethics, a scientific approach, as well as independence from participants in the numismatic market.
The WAC service can be equally useful for both novice collectors and investors who want to protect themselves from counterfeits, and experienced dealers and collectors, for whom confirmation of the safety of a coin and determination of its variety can serve as a basis for improving their collection and ensuring the liquidity of the available material.
By creating a register of coins, the WAC will in the future provide collectors with access to the coins in the register, which will be the basis for further study and development of numismatics.
At the same time, in addition to numerous advantages for collectors, investors and dealers, a platform will be created on the basis of the WAC , where participants in the numismatic market will be able to safely make purchases or sell their WAC -certified numismatic material, as well as keep track of their collection.